A meta-learning course that offers a step-by-step strategy, efficient tactics and powerful tools that will take you from zero to fluency—in a language of your choice—in 16 weeks.



  • you’ve tried every language learning app, program, textbook and course out there—all to no avail;

  • after months (years?) of study, you still can’t speak, read, or understand native speakers;

  • you feel stuck in a cycle of starting, getting really into it, but then losing all motivation because you make no meaningful gains;

  • you don’t know how to approach language learning: where to start, what to do, how long to study for, and what to focus on.




Take guesswork out of language learning.

  • follow a straightforward pathway to fluency with well-defined milestones;

  • know exactly when you’re “done” with one component—and exactly what you should do next.


Follow the most efficient learning trajectory.

  • approach learning with scientific precision, combining insights from linguistics, neuroscience & psychology to hack your learning rate;

  • use the right tool for the right job at the right time—and never get stuck again.


Confidently speak and understand another language in 16 weeks.

  • use your target language as a tool to do things you enjoy: read books, listen to podcasts, watch videos—and understand it all;

  • hold meaningful conversation with native speakers 14 weeks into the course;



An action-based system that will take you from zero to fluency in a language of your choice in 16 weeks. Guaranteed.

  • The Language Formula is a meta-learning course. The principles of language hacking will be applicable to any language. That said, TLF works best for languages whose writing system you either already know or can learn relatively quickly. Learn more about languages you can learn with TLF here.

  • The Language Formula will take you to the CEFR B2 proficiency level, also known as working proficiency. You'll be able to read books, understand everyday speech and confidently hold meaningful conversations with native speakers. You'll be sufficiently fluent to confidently say that you speak language X.

  • The Language Formula provides strategies, tactics and timeline. If you stick to the timeline, you're guaranteed to get to working proficiency in a language of your choice in 16 weeks.


  • "I didn’t know it was possible to be so new to a language but be understanding so much."

    Target language: French

  • "OMG your program works! I have had a number of 30 minute conversations all in Spanish with the tutors and, while I might not be perfect, I understood most (80%+) of what they were saying and they understood me. Amazing!! "

    Target language: Spanish

  • "Wow. Just wow! This whole 'right tool for the right job' idea works wonders. I never realized you could make so much progress in so little time. It's been just 14 weeks and I can talk about almost anything with my Italian tutors. Mind blowing."

    Target language: Italian

Enrollments open January 2025.